



  • 环境科学家,GBMc& 阿肯色州小石城


In a nutshell, my UE education was individualized, diverse, and rigorous. Going to a small school gave me more flexibility in my courseload each semester, allowing me to work with my advisors to earn the education I was seeking. I handpicked different electives, both in the STEM field and in arts & 人文学科, that diversified my courseload and acknowledged both my major’s requirements and my passions.

我的盘子里有这么多菜, 我练习了对许多不同的项目进行优先排序和处理, 作业, 还有考试——都有不同的时间表和截止日期. 除了, 大多数课程都很有挑战性, requiring strict time management skills and critical thinking to succeed. These skills are what prepared me to succeed in my current career and to properly provide reliable work to my company.


Do not hesitate to find internship opportunities on campus, in the community, or across the nation. 虽然你的类对理解概念至关重要, real-world experience is just as crucial to landing a job after college. Not only does real-world experience earn you valuable and relevant skills, it also helps give you an idea of what you do and don’t like about your field. 你可能认为你想在实验室工作作为你的职业, but perhaps your internship has steered you more towards a career that’s mainly field work and outdoors. 如果你找到一个你想要追求的机会, do not be afraid to ask your advisors for guidance in the application and interview processes. 让你的顾问帮助你找到机会来充实你的简历.

How did your undergraduate experiences prepare you for postgraduate and career?

我的导师帮助我获得了两次很棒的实习/经历. My first internship was working at a field research station on the Ohio River in Northern Kentucky. 在这次实习中, 我在“溪流队”,我帮助收集水, 大型无脊椎动物, 以及用于溪流评估的鱼类样本. 这 internship was crucial for me in learning techniques and methods that I use in my current position. I am thankful for my advisors who helped me build my resume and cover letter for the application as well as provide excellent references for me.

My second experience was a semester in 环境科学 with the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. My advisor was actually the one who told me about the Marine Biological Laboratory and asked if I was interested in applying for the program. With his help and guidance, I was the first student from UE to experience this opportunity. 这 program was an integral part of experiencing real-world science and filled my resume with exceptional skills. 这 semester was filled with mostly field work, lab work, and independent studies. 这 was so important for me to work in a heavily hands-on environment and experience working with real-life scientists. I thoroughly enjoyed my time living in Cape Cod and learning from the scientists at the institute. 这 experience helped me decide on a career with lots of field work, and with

this experience on my resume, I gained an interview with my current employer. I am so incredibly thankful for my advisors who worked with me throughout the entire application process and helped me in earning this opportunity.



  1. 师生比例和小班教学. I loved hearing that UE professors know their students by name and worked together often.
  2. 学生参与和领导的机会很多, including the fact that I could be a science major and sing in the women’s choir. 在牛津大学,学生的机会似乎无穷无尽.
  3. Harlaxton. 这一点不言自明, but it’s amazing that I could study abroad as a STEM major with matched tuition.

2016年,当我作为一名新生来到威廉希尔中文网时, 这三个原因在我与教师的交流中变成了现实, 参与了许多学生的机会, and planned my semester at Harlaxton—and they remained true throughout my freshman and sophomore years. 我很高兴我能成为理科专业的学生, 德国的学生, 数学的学生, 合唱团成员, 女学生联谊会主席, 俱乐部主席, 也是舞队的一员,没有任何阻碍和限制. I loved that I could study abroad as a STEM major and that my professors helped make this possible. 我喜欢我有不同专业的班级和朋友. 我喜欢我可以想象一个活动, 寻求教师和学生的支持, 让这一事件成为现实. The trust and support between faculty and students at UE is what I loved most about UE—I knew that I could do anything as long as I had support.

事实上, the support my faculty had in me is what led me to successfully start my career after college. They helped me find and land experiential internships that brought my resume to the top of the stack for my first job out of college (there were over 100 applicants for my current job… I am one of two that they hired—the other lucky candidate having a master’s degree and one year of experience). They proofread my cover letters and served as excellent references for my potential employers. 因为他们对我的支持, I landed the job of my dreams during a global pandemic—a very difficult time to find a job, 尤其是作为一个刚毕业的学生. My current employer still reminds me of how my professors spoke very highly of me and answered every one of their questions about me, and they were impressed at how well my professors actually know me (personality, 的优势, 弱点, 人才, 等.). 这就是我在学生时代和现在作为校友都喜欢我们的原因吗.